
Digital & Web



INPHARMA - Rebranding Design

Humana Pharma International, after more than 20 years of market leadership in the production of dietary supplements, has decided to start with us a new chapter in its history. As of April 1, 2019, INPHARMA is born. A new name, a new logo and a new adventure with the values of always, summarized in the three petals of the logo: We are international, We are innovators, We are inspired. Creative Room was given the task of carrying out the entire rebranding project: brand manual, website, corporate materials with the new corporate image, such as business cards, brochures, company profile, institutional video, gadgets, etc. At the conclusion of the project, the design and set-up of the INPHARMA booth at the most important trade fair in the industry, the Vitafoods Europe in Geneva, including the organization of the private event to launch the new brand identity.


INPHARMA - Rebranding Design

Digital & Web
Creative Direction
Video Production
Web Design

Humana Pharma International, after more than 20 years of market leadership in the production of dietary supplements, has decided to start a new chapter in its history with us.

Dal 1 aprile 2019 nasce INPHARMA. Un nuovo nome, un nuovo logo e una nuova avventura con i valori di sempre, sintetizzati nei tre petali del logo: We are international, We are innovators, We are inspired.

Creative Room was tasked with the entire rebranding project: brand manual, website, corporate materials with the new corporate image, such as business cards, brochures, company profile, institutional video, gadgets, etc.

A conclusione del progetto, il design e l’allestimento dello stand INPHARMA presso la più importante fiera del settore, il Vitafoods Europe di Ginevra, inclusa l’organizzazione dell’evento privato per il lancio della nuova brand identity.

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