

3 Degree Programs - Promotional Video

The task was challenging: to present the three fields of study of Bocconi University - Economics, Law and Political Science - to a very young audience, not only Italian, with an appropriate visual language, while maintaining Bocconi's "fair play." The density of past information had to be counterbalanced by a light, pressing, attractive style: capable of holding the attention of young people for two minutes, of creating an expectation in the transition from one illustration to the next. Hence the path chosen: not a single style but different styles, blended together, with music and a pressing montage. Illustrations that are never descriptive but conceptual, fresh and at the same time lively, in images and colors. Ours the concept, texts, illustrations, editing and music.


3 Degree Programs - Promotional Video

Creative Direction
Motion Graphics
Sound & Music Design
Video Production

Il compito era impegnativo: presentare i tre ambiti di studio dell’Università Bocconi – Economia, Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche - ad un pubblico giovanissimo, non solo italiano, con un linguaggio visivo adatto, mantenendo il “fair play” Bocconi.

The density of past information was to be counterbalanced by a light, pressing, appealing style: capable of holding the children's attention for two minutes, of creating an expectation as they moved from one illustration to the next.

Hence the chosen path: not a single style but different styles, blended together, with a pressing music and editing. Illustrations that are never descriptive but conceptual, fresh and at the same time vivid, in images and colors.

Ours the concept, lyrics, illustrations, editing and music.

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